Combing multiple TimeAxisArrays

TimeAxisArray combination methods are identical to those in AxisArray, but are documented here for convenience.

Combining on existing axes

Multiple TimeAxisArrays can be joined together along an existing axis with merge - this can be thought of as an axis-aware form of concatenation:

a = TimeAxisArray(ones(5), 7:11)
b = TimeAxisArray(zeros(5), 1:5)

merge works along any number of axes. If an axis coordinate appears more than once in the TimeAxisArrays to be merged, the value in the last provided input is kept.

a = TimeAxisArray(ones(5,2), 1:5, [:A, :B])
b = TimeAxisArray(zeros(5,2), 3:7, [:B, :C])

As shown above, in some cases new array elements that were not defined in any of the inputs to the merge will be created. By default these values are zero, but they can be set to any arbitrary value with the fillvalue keyword:

merge(a,b, fillvalue=NaN)

Combining into a new axis

TimeAxisArrays can also be combined so as to preserve elements at repeated axis coordinates by combining the inputs along a newly created axis with the join method:


The name and values of the new axis can be specified using the newaxis keyword, and fillvalue can be provided as with merge:

join(a,b, newaxis=Axis{:Order}([:First, :Second]), fillvalue=NaN)

Inner, left, right, and outer join methods are supported, with outer used by default:

join(a, b, method=:outer) # same as join(a,b)
join(a, b, method=:left)
join(a, b, method=:right)
join(a, b, method=:inner)