Other time series utilities

Rolling reductions

moving applies a reduction function to a moving window of values and assigns the output value to the final timestamp in the window. For example, to take a 10-element moving average:

using TimeAxisArrays

a = TimeAxisArray(cumsum(ones(15)), Date(2000,1,1):Date(2000,1,15))
moving(a, mean, 10)

Lead and lag

lead and lag shift all values forwards or backwards one timestamp:


Absolute and percent differencing

diff subtracts the value at each timestamp from the value preceding it. By default differencing is only applied once, but optional higher order differencing is possible as well:

diff(a) # Difference of values
diff(a,2) # Difference of difference of values

percentchange performs a similar function, returning the percent difference between values at each timestamp and those immediately preceding them:


Setting the logdiff keyword to true provides the percent change as the difference of logged values:

percentchange(a, logdiff=true)